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描述:鋁合金製造,輕便好攜帶的伸縮小腳架,桌面可隨意安排所要的大小!Deluxe Aluminum Tripod All aluminum with stainless steel bolts. Very durable.  
價格: 3600.00
描述:魔術師展示一個堅固的木箱四周,魔術師背對觀眾,讓觀眾隨意放進箱子任何物品,魔術師竟然能夠神祕的猜中!A wooden chest is shown all around to be solid from all sides. The spectator is requested to place any object inside the chest and close the lid while the magician faces away. The magician then turns around, takes the closed chest and names the item inside.  
價格: 8000.00
描述:借來的手機打開之後,表演者詢問過的問題再次回放錄音裝置,竟會出現觀眾所說的答案,或抽選的牌!一個表演者就能執行,不需要秘密助手! Using the voice recorder function of a BORROWED cell phone , it is turned on as the performer asks questions to the netherworld. No one hears any answers to the questions posed... yet when the phone's voice recording is played back...It will allow you to create powerful presentations that will make your audience experience simulated supernatural communications!  
價格: 30000.00
描述:高科技的視覺魔術,震撼人心的效果,簡單到不需要任何手法,就能夠在你需要的時間製造點火特效,透過這個看似普通的煙灰缸! Your primary goal when performing magic is to create an intense emotional impact with your audience. Flash Tray allows you to introduce the most dramatic element, FIRE, in an ingenious, motivated way. Items placed inside of it inexplicably burst into flames at your command. Flash Tray is designed to look like an ordinary ashtray - its small, empty and completely natural looking.  
價格: 6000.00
描述:外表精美一套可透視內容的驚人名片型皮包! 裡面可以容納約40張名片的厚度,看起來就是非常休閒普通,觀眾寫的任何文字或圖案,都可以在這個皮包裡面被一清二楚的透視! This Wallet is perfect for formal or casual settings and holds plenty of business cards,and it looks completely ordinary. However, it allows you to get a peek in a way that is undetectable to your audience. The angles are good, and the peek can be obtained in more ways than one.  
價格: 3600.00
Power by Panda Information