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商品名稱: 301216絲巾化蛋黃
價格: 450.00
商品描述: 魔術師拿出絲巾塞入拳中,結果變成雞蛋?!結果魔術師告訴觀眾如何變成假蛋,最後假蛋沒有絲巾,卻變出蛋黃!!
商品備註: The performer pushes a colored silk into his closed left hand. When he opens his hand the silk is seen to have turned into an egg! Offering to "explain" the trick, the magician shows that the egg is hollow with a hole at one end. He pulls the silk out and displays the hollow egg. Again, he pushes the silk into the egg and shows how to cover the hole with his thumb. Then, he explains that someone might wish to question the egg, and in that case all you must do is break the egg on the rim of a glass and pour out the yolk and the white, which the magician does! No Switch!
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