會員註冊 廠商註冊 用戶登入 進階搜尋
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商品名稱: 301197顏色磚預測術
價格: 6000.00
商品描述: 六個顏色不同的磚塊被放進一個木盒裡,並且把它們穿過一支金屬棒固定,讓觀眾隨意選擇二個顏色,結果這二個顏色竟然脫離金屬棒的固定!
商品備註: A wooden box, a metal spike and 6 different color blocks are shown. The blocks are placed in the box and are secured with the long aluminum spike and the lid is closed. The blocks are visible through the top and bottom of the box. The spike is removed and the blocks are dumped onto a table. Two of the blocks are selected by the spectator and the blocks are placed in the box again and secured by the spike. When the box is opened the selected blocks fall out of the box while the other blocks remain secured by the spike.
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