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商品名稱: 301159盛裝出席Dresscode
價格: 1000.00
商品描述: 你一定不相信在街頭,進距離也可以讓自己的T桖在襯衫內神奇的變裝!
商品備註: Brand new from theory11. Imagine walking up to someone as you clearly, openly display your shirt. You turn 360 degrees, and you're now wearing a completely different shirt. Created by Calen Morelli, Dresscode is direct, visual magic at it's finest. It's simple, easy, and needs no patter. The visual shock of the effect translates to any language, and any culture - it is true magic. The shirt at the end is completely normal. The jacket is completely normal. And, the shirt is shown front and back before and after the change. Dresscode can be done with anyt-shirt, at any time. Reset time is less than 15 seconds - you are ready to perform it once again. It truly is the quickest, most practical quick change ever conceived. You can wear the gimmick all day comfortably, without difficulty. With Dresscode, you'll be supplied with everything you need in over 45 minutes of detailed instruction by Calen Morelli. The DVD contains performances and multiple applications to stimulate your creati
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